On Mar 23, 11:10 pm, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:42 PM, asmeurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, I look at it. Some suggestions ---
> try to create more specific timeline, e.g. first week I'll do this,
> next 3 weeks I'll do this, I will have this before the midterm, etc.
That's coming, when I have more time.
> could you ellaborat a bit more on which exact equations you are going to 
> solve?
OK.  I'll include some examples, and maybe some definitions.
> Btw, have you looked at the link posted by Robert Kern on this list
> recently? What is your opinion about it?
I saw it.  It looks like it would be a useful guide, but of course it
is a book I would have to buy.  On the other hand, it might be better
than trying to implement it aimlessly.  If I do end up getting it, it
wouldn't be until after I am accepted.

On Mar 24, 4:44 am, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johans...@gmail.com>
> I think this is fairly straightforward work; the solutions have
> standardized forms
> and don't require implementing any series. If you're not sure if
> you'll have time,
> it can be good to include it in the application anyway, but state clearly
> that you'll do it only if you have time. Assuming you are interested in the
> task, that is.
Ok.  I was under the impression from some sites I was reading that
gave hints on GSoC applications that trying to do to much would be bad
for my applicaion, but if you think it would be better to include
this, I will go ahead.  I also kind of left it out because I haven't
really learned it yet, so I have no idea how hard it is :)
> There are existing wrappers to look at, but not exactly any standard.
I think I'll just put something along the lines of "Implement
numerical solutions, potentially by using a wrapper to another open
source project such as mpmath or scipy."
> The best advice is probably to discuss your application with the
> developers, as you're already doing. Include a schedule plan
> in your application.
> Fredrik
Thanks for your advice by the way.
On Mar 24, 4:47 am, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johans...@gmail.com>
> You should write in the application why you're the right person to do this
> project. At least last year, a formal resume wasn't required.
> Fredrik
The fact that I am a Math/CS major is already part of the
application.  I will go ahead and make a note that I am fluent in
python and that I am taking 335 ODE's this semester.

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