Ondrej Certik wrote:

> I don't think we should merge things into master, if it means making
> it more difficult to merge the branch. We should do whatever it takes
> to get this in, using our manpower.

I'm not following the vocabulary nuances here. What do you mean by not 
"merg[ing] things into master"? Do you mean merge vs rebase and commit?

> Given that besides Aaron and me, nobody else volunteered to do the
> release, given our current manpower I think we should merge this in
> (without cherry picking), and then release. Of course, Aaron should
> have the last word on this.

If I had a flowsheet of what to do for the release, I am on break for two weeks 
and could work on it *if* I had access to a workstation to do testing (if there 
is a lot of that involved). I have access only to Mac and Windows, both about 
the same speed, taking about 11 minutes to run the test suite and another few 
to run doctests.


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