On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2011, at 10:52 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 30, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> thanks Ronan, Vinzent, Aaron, Mateusz and Brian for participating in
>>>>> the discussion. First of all, I would like to assure you that there
>>>>> are no hard feelings on my side, and hopefully we can learn something
>>>>> form it, and resolve things. I would like to write my very clear
>>>>> opinion on some of the issues raised in this thread:
>>>>> 1) This feature is a core feature, that SymPy should have
>>>>> 2) It is ok to give -1 for reviews, as long as you give a plan for the
>>>>> author of the patch, how he can fix it, so that it is acceptable. It
>>>>> is also ok to give -1 without saying anything else (this case), but
>>>>> then this stops progress, because it is not clear what I can do to get
>>>>> this in. As such, when you do such "-1" as a reviewer, you should
>>>>> think twice what this is going to cause, and initiate a discussion
>>>>> about this.
>>>>> 3) Vinzent asked, why I was upset. So the reason being, that something
>>>>> that I personally strongly believe belongs into sympy was given -1
>>>>> without any constructive technical criticism. As far as I know, we
>>>>> have never pushed in a patch, that was clearly given -1 as this one.
>>>>> So as such, I felt, that this means, this can't go in. And as such I
>>>>> was upset, because suddenly I will not be able to achieve the goal to
>>>>> be able to do things that people do with Mathematica with SymPy, not
>>>>> because the code was not there, but because some of sympy developers
>>>>> gave it -1, because they don't share my vision. And as such, I was
>>>>> upset. I think that's understandable, isn't it? :) In any case, let me
>>>>> reiterate, that I am upset at the situation, not Ronan, or anybody
>>>>> else.
>>>>> 4) So now the question is what to do now. Well, my first idea was to
>>>>> convince Ronan to give it +1. That's of course the best. But if that
>>>>> is not possible, we can of course push it in anyway (given all the +1
>>>>> that it got from other developers). But that is really something, that
>>>>> I, as a democratic person, really hate to do. Because "-1" is like a
>>>>> veto. That's how it worked so far. Maybe this point needs further
>>>>> discussion among us. At least I always considered "-1" as a veto. And
>>>>> as such, the code can't be pushed in, unless the situation is
>>>>> resolved.
>>>>> Ondřej
>>>> Well, to me, the definition of "democratic" means a majority :)
>>>> As the community gets larger, I think it will be necessary to not always 
>>>> have a unanimous decision on everything.  Certainly we should aim for it, 
>>>> and we shouldn't just ignore −1's (especially if it is a technical issue). 
>>>>  But if it comes down to a disagreement that isn't going to change, we 
>>>> will have to just look to see if there is a majority opinion, or at least 
>>>> if there is a consensus in a looser sense of the word (like 5 +1's vs. 1 
>>>> −1).
>>>> If you really want a unanimous decision every time, you will only end up 
>>>> getting the highest quality code being pushed in, and you shouldn't 
>>>> complain when anything less doesn't make it.  But I think that that is a 
>>>> bad way to do things, for the same reason that you should "release early 
>>>> and release often" (see 
>>>> http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ar01s04.html).
>>> I think that the rule of thumb can be simply said -- do your best to
>>> "keep all sympy devs happy". If one of them gives -1, do the best to
>>> get it resolved (one way or another).
>> Unless somebody has something else to add, given the controversy of
>> the patch, Aaron, can you go ahead and push this in as it is, or
>> provide directions how I can improve the patch, so that it can go in?
>> Thanks,
>> Ondřej
> Were we ever actually +1 on the patch itself, i.e., did anyone checkout the 
> branch and run the tests, etc.?

Most people did +1 on the idea. Since you gave +1 to the idea too,
let's go with it.

The patch itself wasn't properly reviewed yet. I run the tests on it
myself so far. Can someone do that, and provide suggestions how to
improve the patch, if needed? That'd be great.


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