I created a new label in the issue tracker, CodeInMultiple, which
should go on any issue which should become multiple Code-In tasks
(e.g., we have just one issue to translate the tutorial, but this
should become a task for each language).

This weekend, I will start a Google Docs spreadsheet for the tasks,
which we can then link to in our application.  I was originally going
to do this on the wiki, but apparently it's easier to import the data
into melange if it's in a spreadsheet.

Aaron Meurer

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> According to Arc Riley, who is in charge of GSoC and Code-In for the
> Python Software Foundation, said that it will help our chances of
> acceptance into the program if we create a bio page for our mentors.
> He will also require this to work under the PSF if we do not get
> accepted.
> So I have started this at
> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/GCI-2011-Mentors.  Please add
> yourself if you plan to help.  The information that you provide there
> is of course completely up to you. Arc recommended putting some basic
> contact information, a picture, and a short bio.  This will make it
> feel more friendly to the GCI students.  We also may want to create a
> more extensive landing page introducing students to the program and to
> SymPy if we get accepted.
> Aaron Meurer
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Vladimir Perić <vlada.pe...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Great!
>>>> I have created labels in the issue tracker, CodeIn-Code,
>>>> CodeIn-Documentation, etc., and also CodeIn-Easy, CodeIn-Medium, and
>>>> CodeIn-Hard.  If people can tag issues based on
>>>> http://code.google.com/p/google-code-in/wiki/GCIAdminMentorInformation
>>>> that would be good tasks, this would be great.  We have to have at
>>>> least five tasks in each category to apply, and obviously we will need
>>>> many more if we are accepted.  Also, we should create new issues for
>>>> various things.  If you want to help but don't have the ability to add
>>>> labels to issues in the issue tracker, just let me know and I will
>>>> give you the access.
>>> I also think the Code-In is a great idea (I wanted to comment sooner,
>>> but just couldn't find the time). As I've spent a lot of time lately
>>> looking at the various issues, I'll try as much as I can to tag them
>>> appropriately (and add new issues, if required). It might be a good
>>> idea to consider a more thorough cleaning of the issue list now, like
>>> we've discussed before (Aaron). Closing old issues lowers cruft and
>>> might inspire people to make some more Code-In tasks (was this called
>>> GHOP before?).
>> Yes, this used to be GHOP, though apparently various technicalities
>> have changed since then.
>>>> By the way, according to people here at the mentor summit who have
>>>> participated before, we should not underestimate what some of these
>>>> students can do.  So don't be afraid to mark somewhat difficult tasks
>>>> for CodeIn.
>>>> Aaron Meurer
>>>> On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 2:35 PM, krastanov.ste...@gmail.com
>>>> <krastanov.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I would also like to help. Hopefully I'll find the time.
>>>>> About the translations - I speak Bulgarian and I can probably find few
>>>>> people willing to help with French translations.
>>>>> Stefan Krastanov
>>>>> On 23 October 2011 21:33, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Another thing: we need to have at least five translation tasks.  We
>>>>>> were thinking to just create tasks for translating tutorials.  We need
>>>>>> to have people who are fluent in the language to evaluate the task.
>>>>>> Apparently, the task should only be considered as completed if the
>>>>>> translation is perfect, i.e., from someone who is also fluent, to
>>>>>> avoid people using machine translations.  What languages are people
>>>>>> fluent in, who are willing to evaluate translations tasks?  Ondrej
>>>>>> speaks Czech and Mateusz speaks Polish.
>>> I speak Serbian (Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrian etc) fluently and I can
>>> help with Czech, too.
>>> I'd also be willing to help with reviews and generally I plan to be
>>> around on IRC (time-permitting). In particular I can be around for
>>> US-centric holidays and Christmas (since our Christmas is on the 7th),
>>> as that webpage you linked to recommends.
>>> I also took a look at the categories of tasks we need to have, and I
>>> think we are going to have troubles with some:
>>>  * Translation. Disregarding the fact that between all of us, we still
>>> cover only a few languages, there's a question of _what_ to translate
>>> exactly? I think translating the tutorial is fine, but getting people
>>> to translate all our documentation would be a bit too much. I don't
>>> think it would be used much, it'd almost definitely be outdated and
>>> fact is, SymPy just doesn't depend so much on translations and as such
>>> we have no framework around it. We can translate the SymPy Live UI at
>>> least, though. I'm sure it's impossible but could we somehow waive
>>> that requirement?
>> This is indeed the problem. That is why we decided to just have tasks
>> for translating the tutorial.  The thing is, we have to have five
>> tasks for all eight categories.  We had some discussion about this
>> with Carol and some other people with Code-In experience at the mentor
>> summit at a session about Code-In, and we decided that this was best.
>>  If you can think of other good documents to translate, that would be
>> great, though I doubt that they will actually end up being kept up to
>> date after the program ends.  But anyway, I think we have enough
>> languages to make five tasks for now.
>>>  * Research. Seeing as we're talking about some pretty hardcore math
>>> here, I doubt the average high school student will be able to
>>> contribute. I'm sure we can scrounge up the 5/10 tasks required, but
>>> it'll be a stretch.
>> Apparently, we should not underestimate these students.  For example,
>> sqrtdenest was implemented by a GHOP student.  And quite a few high
>> school students know calculus and many know even more than that
>> (linear algebra, odes, etc.).  So I think for this category we should
>> find the issues that we haven't solved simply because we don't know
>> the best way to proceed and make tasks for them.  They can be large
>> scale (like the assumptions), or small scale (like maybe some
>> technicality in the core).  The worst case scenario is that the
>> students won't be able to handle them and so they won't be taken, but
>> the best case scenario is that we get some genius who comes up with
>> some novel ideas on how to do things.
>>> There's also the question of how many new tasks do we wish to create?
>>> Usually, we don't make tasks as such small "chunks" (eg. all the
>>> Documentation tasks about See Also Hector made -- I like them though,
>>> nothing against it) so I'm worried we might spam our issue tracker a
>>> bit if we over do it (not that it doesn't have so many open issues
>>> right now). Just something that crossed my mind...
>> First off, don't worry about spamming the issue tracker.
>> Actually, what you can do is create a single issue for multiple tasks,
>> like I did for http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=2766.
>> The tasks themselves go into the database in google-melange.com, but
>> we can run the actual review through our issue tracker/github pull
>> requests (Melange is just there to handle the details of the contest).
>>  So issues like those will be split into multiple tasks in melange.
>> This also means that old issues don't really matter much for this,
>> though we did decide to create some dummy tasks like "Fix a
>> CodeIn-Easy issue in the issue tracker" so that we can add new issues
>> after the first pool is released (this was also a suggestion from the
>> mentor summit).
>> A couple more things:
>> Vladimir: some of those things that we discussed on IRC earlier about
>> gathering statistics about the issues and other various things would
>> make good tasks.  I'm not entirely sure what category to put them
>> under right now, though.
>> Second, once we have at least five of each category, we need to
>> compile them into a wiki page, so we can put a link to it in our
>> application. The application is due November 1.  Ondrej, Mateusz, and
>> I already wrote up the responses to the other questions at the summit,
>> so we just need that. (p.s., Ondrej, should we put that on the wiki
>> like we did for
>> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/GSoC-2010-Organization-Application
>> ?)
>> Aaron Meurer
>>>>>> Aaron Meurer
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>>> Vladimir Perić
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