On Mar 8, 4:02 pm, Sergiu Ivanov <unlimitedscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Sergiu Ivanov
> <unlimitedscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8pXy4LH0sF0SjNtNlRiRzlRZ1dkQjdfR3N2Z...
> Right now the interface looks a lot more like SymPy Quick Reference
> than SymPy Quick Guide: the user can choose any module, see the
> documentation of any function of that module, and also test it a
> little bit.
> However, I am not yet sure this is much better 
> thanhttp://docs.sympy.org/dev/modules/.  Of course, the new interface
> makes it possible to read the documentation *and* test the functions
> at the same time; what I'm not really enthusiastic about is the fact
> that the interface rigidly fixes the use of a function.  Considering
> the abs() function, the user wouldn't be able to test what 3*abs(-1)
> would be.  While this is not really relevant for abs(), this may be a
> show stopper for other functions.  Moreover, this makes it hard to
> work with methods: how do you plan to make it possible to test
> something like this: exp(x).series()?
> Also, as I said, I think it would be very nice to have something
> guide-like.  A couple years ago, the software for the J programming
> language provided a nice getting-started practical guide.  It
> consisted of a series of lessons, which you could take sequentially.
> The application would show the user a description of some feature and
> then allow them to play around with it until they felt comfortable
> with it and were ready to go to the next lesson.
> These lessons were, however, executed within a text-based environment.
> I believe, you could make use of the benefits of a graphical user
> interface.
> On the other hand, in a guide-like environment, you could mimic the
> behaviour of gamma.sympy.org 
> (http://gamma.sympy.org/input/?i=integrate%28sin%28x%29%29) or Wolfram
> Alpha (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=integrate%28sin%28x%29%29
> ).  However, besides showing additional information about the input,
> you may also show *how* the user could obtain that additional
> information.
> In case you find this direction worth exploring, you may consider
> starting from the already existing gamma.sympy.org and live.sympy.org
> interfaces and extend them with the new features.  I believe this is
> going to be among the most time-efficient approaches.
> Sergiu

Hello Sergiu,
                 I agree with you. More efficient GUI can be made.
Regarding the problem of relating two modules may not be a problem. We
could give or list every use of that module, when a user chooses that
particular module. The GUI shall support both the individual
functionality and also the relational functionality.  Yeah
gamma.sympy.org is beautiful in its own way. My point is we could
integrate documentation, test-environment and possibly we could render
the code of a particular module(both individual and related). The user
may feel to use documentation, testing and also look at the code, at
the same time. Ofcourse, the concept of a practical guide is
fantastic, we could also do it in that way.

Attetion: How do we include new module, methods, packages in our Quick
Well the answer to that is we could give a nice backend(CMS like
thing) to the user to include a new module.
That backend takes the user through different steps to include a new
module. Like

Step1. What module is that you want to include ?
Step2. Under which category is that you want to include?  (Algebra,
Functions, Series etc.,)
Step3. Please check the existing modules in that category for any
duplication of your code?(Incase if they are duplicating it.)
Step4. If verified, please give sufficient description about that
Step5. Please create a test environment by giving right inputs to your
Step6. If ok, push the module.

These could be the steps to include: to my approximation atleast...

Sergiu, i am gonna quickly do another screenshot with the necessary
changes you have specified(with "The Practical Guide" like Thing).
I am sure its gonna take us somewhere to decide.


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