Is this part of one of the ideas on the ideas list, or a new one that
you came up with?

Aaron Meurer

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Abhiram Ampabathina
<> wrote:
> On Mar 11, 12:33 am, Sergiu Ivanov <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Abhiram Ampabathina
>> <> wrote:
>> >                I think our both ideas should be mixed. I was thinking
>> > the same way. Why not we give the Sympy console and input area also.
>> > User may use any one of them, right? User shall be free to use any of
>> > the testing mechanisms, the Sympy console and the input area. If they
>> > do not like the input area they are gonna use Sympy Console where it
>> > is right there. In that way we could use the existing Sympy console
>> > and also add the things of Practical guide. Ok, lets put it in this
>> > way(i mean summarize this)
>> Well, OK, trying this can't hurt :-)
>> However, I'd like to ask Aaron to voice his final opinion on this
>> matter.
>> >          > We shall allow users to create a account on Sympy.
>> >          > And give them access to the Sympy Practical Guide first.
>> >          > They shall use it any time they want.(since it is
>> > available online)
>> >          > They shall go through the practical guide in the manner we
>> > thought of
>> >                              1. Starting from code conventions to
>> > different complex modules
>> Not sure about this point: this would be useful for people who want to
>> do some hacking, but not that useful for those who are just interested
>> in learning how to use SymPy.  Perhaps this step could be made
>> optional or moved nearer to the end of the sequence.
>> >                              2. The guide consists of lessons like as
>> > we thought of with narration and explanation.
>> >                              3. Few exercises too(may skip if they
>> > are strong on concepts).
>> >                              4. Can try testing the code using the
>> > Sympy console (or) input area(if they feel comfortable) , which
>> > is                       provided right there at guide. Fantastic, the
>> > users could understand , try the code and get the code at the same
>> > time, same place.
>> >                              5. Can also render the code which is
>> > relevant to that module(so that they understand what is
>> > happening).
>> Sounds not bad.
>> >                              Finally also providing a back-end to
>> > insert new modules(If you like this only, Sergiu).
>> Well, I *think* it might be useful :-) Again, I'd ask the principal
>> developers to provide their opinion on this matter.
>> >             How is this? Shall we proceed in this way.
>> >           Mention any changes you would like. I'll mail the screen
>> > shots accordingly like i mentioned above. May be you will feel good by
>> > actually looking at them, rather than just talking.
>> Yes, sure, looking forward to seeing the updated design :-)
>> Sergiu
> Hello Sergiu,
>                   I am now making some series of screen shots, how is
> the guide gonna look(just a sample, the actual guide shall be a good
> one after many reviews). However, i am glad that you guys are
> considering to think about practical guide like thing is useful. I
> would like to know whether this project can be a part of Sympys Gsoc
> 2012. Please, let me know the feedback. Inform whatever is needed from
> my side. Take a look at the screen shots which i will provide in a
> while.
>                                                              Regards,
> Abhiram
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