On Mar 9, 10:46 pm, Sergiu Ivanov <unlimitedscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Abhiram Ampabathina
> <abhiram.ampabath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >               I understand that the idea of way of testing the code
> > is
> > not liked much. Yeah that may become less intuitive than typing, but
> > the way i thought it would be is, we shall list each and every use of
> > a
> > particular function, all combinations of different functions, if
> > users
> > would like to know the result of those combinations, they  may check
> > on that particular combination and try experimenting on different
> > values to test. When users select a particular module to study, we
> > could list
> > all the modules relating to it, using it, different interpretations
> > used, where else it is used in and etc., . I think that might be
> > sufficient to explore various ways of a module. That was the thought
> > i
> > got.
> I'm afraid listing all combinations of different functions is a fairly
> hard feat for the program and it forces the user into having to
> comprehend enormous lists of use-cases.  I still think that typing
> some code into an input area is easier :-)
> If, however, we do not list all possible combinations, but rather
> those which are more relevant, then we will eventually reproduce the
> already existing module documentation.
> > Yeah, the idea of "linking to that particular documentation" is
> > interesting. How would you like to have the testing mechanism at the
> > GUI? Give your ways.,
> I think that letting the user input bits of code into a SymPy console
> is a very nice way for them to try out stuff.  As Aaron said, it would
> be great if the user could easily try out the examples given in the
> docs, in this way we also reach one of the initial goals (as I see
> it): minimising the amount of (possibly boilerplate) stuff the user
> has to type.
> > Apart from this, We could have few more things
> > 1. Give a voice over narration for the Practical Guide.
> Hm, sounds interesting.  Having animations might also be useful, I
> think.
> > 2. Make it into like a complete practical guide like thing
> >                             > Give notes
> >                             > Give Examples
> >                             > Allow them test the function
> >                             > And give them a short exercise on the
> > previous module(users may skip if they doesn't like to)
> Sounds nice.  I like that not much stress is placed upon exercises:
> this will keep the level of stress on the user at the minimal level.
> > Relational Functionality:  Never mind. I meant combining different
> > functions(the relations between the function)
> > I agree that the screen shots did not satisfy you. Lemme make it more
> > legible and neat. I will come with a good one this time. It's gonna
> > take time i guess.
> OK, sure :-)
> But please, don't feel discouraged, all your suggestions are really
> welcome!
> Sergiu

Hello Sergiu,
                I think our both ideas should be mixed. I was thinking
the same way. Why not we give the Sympy console and input area also.
User may use any one of them, right? User shall be free to use any of
the testing mechanisms, the Sympy console and the input area. If they
do not like the input area they are gonna use Sympy Console where it
is right there. In that way we could use the existing Sympy console
and also add the things of Practical guide. Ok, lets put it in this
way(i mean summarize this)

          > We shall allow users to create a account on Sympy.
          > And give them access to the Sympy Practical Guide first.
          > They shall use it any time they want.(since it is
available online)
          > They shall go through the practical guide in the manner we
thought of
                              1. Starting from code conventions to
different complex modules
                              2. The guide consists of lessons like as
we thought of with narration and explanation.
                              3. Few exercises too(may skip if they
are strong on concepts).
                              4. Can try testing the code using the
Sympy console (or) input area(if they feel comfortable) , which
is                       provided right there at guide. Fantastic, the
users could understand , try the code and get the code at the same
time, same place.
                              5. Can also render the code which is
relevant to that module(so that they understand what is
                              Finally also providing a back-end to
insert new modules(If you like this only, Sergiu).

          > After going through the whole practical guide, the user
are good to go.

             How is this? Shall we proceed in this way.
           Mention any changes you would like. I'll mail the screen
shots accordingly like i mentioned above. May be you will feel good by
actually looking at them, rather than just talking.


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