Hi Everyone

I'm Angadh, a third year Ph.D. student in mechanical and aerospace
engineering at UC-Davis and a prospective applicant for the GSoC 2012.
and the following are some of the ideas/things that I would like to
work on over the course of the summer if given the opportunity.
Over the winter quarter, I took a mechanics class and one of it's foci
was the usage of the sympy.physics.mechanics module to derive
equations of motion for mechanical systems. Over the course of my
experience with it, I felt that there were several things that could
be worked on to make the dynamics package more robust-

1. One of the things that students encountered in the class was that
as our systems got more complex i.e. the number of bodies or degrees
of freedom increased, the longer it took to generate the equations. So
one of the things I would like to look at would be to optimize the
code; to enable it to handle larger expressions. This would involve
looking into the .subs() and .diff() to see how they could be improved

2. Currently equations are generated using just one of several methods
in mechanics, Kane's formalism. I would like to look into adding
atleast another technique- either the Newton-Euler approach or
Lagrange's equations.

3. Another thing that I would like to do would be to improve the cross-
platform ability of the software i.e. to get the equations of motion
generated to be analyzed across various (open source) platforms such
as Sage. This may involve automatically updating Sage's version of
sympy or even writing a whole new interface for it.

4. A comprehensive documentation effort to make this module more
accessible for anyone who intends to use it.

I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know your thoughts
on these ideas.


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