Sorry for taking so long to comment on this.

> quantum related group theory (SU(2) SU(3) groups)

I'm not familiar off-hand with groups in angular momentum going beyond
SU(2) and SO(3), if you could find something (I know it was mentioned in
the original description of available angular momentum related projects),
you could pursue that.

> if there exists an implementation of transition between various
coordinate system and use of the various matrices related to quantum theory
in sympy

At least with the angular momentum stuff, there are transformations between
x/y/z bases and the rotation operator for transformations to arbitrary
cartesian bases. Is that what you're asking, or do you have something else
in mind?

> Irreducible tensors

I think this would make a good project, namely integrating irreducible
tensor operators and spherical harmonics. The key here would be trying to
work with development of the tensor module outside the physics module,
which has been the source of much discussion.


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