Hi everyone! 

My name is Siddharth Garg. I am a 2nd year Computer Science Engineering 
student at CMRIT College, Bangalore, India. I am new to open-sourcing and 
felt comfortable with SymPy as it is based more on the logical and 
mathematical concepts.

   - level of familiarity with python (3 year programming experience): I 
   have been using python for almost 4 years now, mostly for solving 
   algorithmic questions on codingame.com, hackerearth.com and hackerrank.com 
   ( hackerrank-5 star rating), also made some games, discord bots, 
   mini-projects. learning Web-Scraping.

   - mathematical education level (high school / ... / PhD?): Studying math 
   along the course guidelines of B.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) course.

   - particular expertise (physics? biology? ...subtopics):  math, but am 
   still an undergraduate so not an expert.
   - particular algorithmic interests: I don't quite get the question but I 
   love solving  algorithms problems using programming.
   - level of familiarity with symbolic math systems "computer algebra":  
   Not familiar
   - your familiarity with SymPy : Found it on the GSoC 2021 page and am 
   following the tutorial given on the github page.
   - other possibly relevant information -- geographical location? native 
   language?: I am from India and my native language is Hindi. Also fluent in 

Looking forward to expand my horizons by putting my math knowledge into 
good use and contributing to SymPy!

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