2012/5/25 Carlos Lopez Gonzalez <carloslopezgonza...@yahoo.es>:
> Summary of the situation:
> Waiting the opinion from Yu that is still remaining to be filled, we have
> agreement on:
> Curves panel -> Graphs panel
> Encapsulate->Group
> Paste Canvas layer -> Group layer
> Group -> Set
> Add/remove from Group->Add/remove from Set
> Params ->Parameters
> Children->Library
> CPoint->Color stop
> Still remaining:
> Duck
> BLine  /BLinePoint /BLine tool
> Vertex
> Import
> I've changed my mind from:
> For BLine: Shape instead of Spline
> For BLine tool: Shape tool instead of Spline tool
> For BLinePoint: Vertex instead of Spine item
> and
> For Vertex: Origin instead of Point

I'm terribly sorry, but I've changed my mind for BLine. ^__^"
As "Curve" is not looks to be accepted, my vote was for "Shape". But
there is a little thing that confuses me about "Shape" word - it is
not only noun, it is also a verb. So "Shape tool" may be treated as
"something to edit/adjust the shape". So I'd better go for "Spline".

My preferences now:
for BLine - Spline
for BLine Tool: Spline Tool

Sorry for the mess. ^__^



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