I like the "Library" suggestion! "File->Place" doesn't looks god for me.
For "Bline" I still like the "Curve", but after all arguments the
Spline is OK for me. Also I like Nikita's "Shape" alternative. In
fact, the more I think about it, the more I like "Shape" - "Shape
Tool" sounds good. But if everyone prefers Spline, that's ok for me
too. ^__^

2012/5/22 Carlos Lopez Gonzalez <carloslopezgonza...@yahoo.es>:
> Children Panel: Library is ok. But we should then remove the Canvas panel
> and give its functionality to the Canvases list, which is currently useless.

Let's don't mix too many goals at once. ^__^ I mean, let's concentrate
on terminology change and only after that - change all the rest
(canvases list, svg stuff, etc...) I mean we should go in small steps,
because terminology change is a lot of work already. ^__^

2012/5/22 Carlos Lopez Gonzalez <carloslopezgonza...@yahoo.es>:
> But curve is also referred to a "action curve" in the traditional animation 
> way
> or we can talk about graph curve when referring to whats is drawn on the now
> called Graph panel. There exists a "X,Y curve"
In Graphs Panel we have Graphs, not Curves. ~_^ There's no "graph
curve", just a "graph".

2012/5/22 Carlos Lopez Gonzalez <carloslopezgonza...@yahoo.es>:
> ...if we rename Duck to
> Control point we should say: "Then the user should select all the Curve
> point's Control points" instead of "Then the user selects all the BLine
> point's Ducks.".
> ...
> BLine point: Derived from above. We currently talk about BLine point's
> tangent duck as something easy to find and understand. Translated it would
> be: "Curve point's tangent Control point" too many points in my opinion.
> "Spline Item tangent's handle" sounds better to me. Well, everything sounds
> strange to me now! ^__^''

Let's don't make things too complicated. I don't remember such strange
phrases like "Then the user selects all the BLine point's Ducks." in
documentation. Even if we have such ones, let's avoid them. Keep it
simple: "User should select a vertex together with its tangents". Or:
"User should select a vertex together with its tangent and width
handles". It's just a matter of good writing style. ^__^

In fact BLinePoint is a kind of internal concept that visible to user
only as the parameter type. He needs that definition only in
export/linking operation to distinguish vertex (as BLine Point
element) from the whole Bline point. We don't have "BLine Points" list
- it's called "Vertices". So we shouldn't use the BlinePoint in user
documentation very much.

Anyway we will need to replace BLine point with something. I don't
like "Spline Point" (I assume that "BLine" replaced to "Spline" here).
Because Point is looks like a point on the Spline (x,y), not a set of
elements. "Spline Item" is better but still clumsy. Let's look at the
illustration (what we have now) -

It's obvious that "Bline Point" type is referenced as "Vertex"
everywhere. Except one inconsistency - where "vector" type is called
"Vertex" too for some reason.

My proposal:
"Bline Point" -> "Vertex" (as set of elements)
"Vertex" (as sub-parameter of BLine Point) -> "Point"

See illustration with changes:

So, my preferences:

Ducks -> Handles
Cpoint -> Color Stop
Encapsulate -> Group
Paste Canvas Layer -> Group Layer
Group -> Set
Bline -> Spline or Shape or Curve
Params Panel -> Parameters Panel
Curves panel -> Graphs panel (not "Graph Panel")
"Bline Point" -> "Vertex" (as set of elements)
"Vertex" (as sub-parameter of BLine Point) -> "Point"

Did I missed something? ^__^

2012/5/22 Yu Chen <jco...@gmail.com>:
> The new _group
> layer_  and _group tool_ can take the folder icon used by current group
> panel, as we are trying to introduce _group concept_ in other bitmap based
> softwares. folder metaphor is used in Photoshop, AnimePro etc...

We are not introducing new concepts, we just introducing new
terminology. And that's not lead to any changes in the way how Synfig

Yes, the "Tag" icon used for metadata should be replaced too...

== Icons to rework ==
"Encapsulate" icon →"Group" icon
"Canvas green icon"→"Group layer icon"
"Select all child layers"
"Canvas" parameter
"Add layers to set"
"Remove layers from set"
"Metadata Panel"

2012/5/22 Yu Chen <jco...@gmail.com>:
> I can take some tasks too, but I can't promise too much since my poor
> english :)
My English is poor as well. ^__^ All we need is to ensure that we have
consistent (new) terminology everywhere in documentation. We don't
plan to do a huge rewrite - that will be a different challenge for the

So, for documentation reorganization we have following people willing to help:
- Me
- Timothée Giet
- Yu Chen

The sequence of our actions should be:
1. Make code changes
2. Make new icons
3. Change documentation

2012/5/22 Carlos Lopez Gonzalez <carloslopezgonza...@yahoo.es>:
> Regarding to renaming implementation process I think that we should do it in
> one shot but without hurry up due to a new release. I don't plan to do a
> release soon. Unless someone come with some substantial commits and it
> deserves a release, the next release is planned with the new Cairo
> implementation as main change so it will take a while at the moment.

I think that we should do changes and release with new terminology
even if we have no new features.
This will indicate a new step - reworked terminology. In fact I DO
prefer to release WITHOUT new features, because we should do release
and documentation change in sync and quick - and that's a lot of work.
If we will have new features - the it will be too much for me to
handle at one shot. Sorry.



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