On 05/13/2017 02:00 PM, Dave Jones wrote:

On 05/13/2017 01:21 PM, Dave Jones wrote:

On 05/13/2017 01:15 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
I am nearly complete setting up the rsyncd again. I have firewalled off port 873 to a single test IP of my masscheck server at ENA. My automasscheck-minimal.sh is working properly now and able to upload result logs like normal.

My question to you is where can we get a current mirror copy of the [updates] rsync module to put back on the source of


which will also be http://updates.spamassassin.org once populated, verified ready, and DNS is updated to point to the new VM.

Correction. updates.spamassassin.org is not in DNS so that reference in the /etc/rsyncd.conf to being updates.spamassassin.org is not accurate.

Is this [updates] rsync module supposed to be available via HTTP? If so, then maybe it is really updatedist.spamassassin.org that I see in DNS.

Nevermind. I found my answer. The Apache HTTPD config boiled down to this for the updates area:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName updatedist.spamassassin.org
   ServerAlias bbmass.spamassassin.org
   ServerAlias buildbot.spamassassin.org
   ServerAlias bbmass-trunk.spamassassin.org
   <Directory /var/www/updatedist.spamassassin.org/updates>
     options indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
     AllowOverride indexes
   DocumentRoot /var/www/updatedist.spamassassin.org/updates
   ServerAdmin webmas...@spamassassin.org
   # userdir disabled

Sorry, for the updates but I found a discrepancy in the updatedist path so I have this back in two different virtualhosts again like it was before. I thought they could have been combined like above but nope.

It looks like you have a mirror at http://sa-update.pccc.com that we could transfer back to the source directory.

I am putting what came out out the backup in there but I don't think it's going to be current. The DNS TXT records show 1786853 as the latest version and the backup area doesn't have any files that start with that.

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