Harrington, David wrote:
> Hi,
> Rather than reinventing wheels, let's try to review work that has
> already been done in the IETF for these purposes, and discuss any
> experience that has already been had with these approaches. Please look
> at the RFC3165 Script MIB
I fully agree.
> (ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3165.txt) and the NETCONF work
> (http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netconf-charter.html)
> The Script MIB is all about uploading/downloading scripts to execute on
> a managed device. It is language-independent, but recognizes the
> likelihood of Java, Perl, and CLI scripts.
> This MIB has an (optional) on-line editing capability, which experience
> has shown few operators want to use; they would rather get the script,
> modify it offline, and send it back to the device.
I am aware of the ScriptMIB. If we do design a configuration-download/upload
MIB we will certainly refer to and use the mechanisms used in RFC3165.

I am still trying to figure out whether we can use the scriptMIB itself
without defining any new Tables. It is all there .. we have to pretend that
the syslogConf is a script that is interpreted by the syslog process.
There does not seem to be any problem - but the compilance requirements may
be a bother- I need to look at the RFC to figure out before I can really
propose to use theScriptMIB.
> The NETCONF work is trying to make it possible to download/upload script
> files for configuring devices, as a way to standardize CLI scripting.
> dbh



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