This is precisely the sort of thing that RFC 3195 attempted. You want authenticated source? You can have it. You want authenticated server? You can have that too. You can even have unauthenticated server with authenticated client. As we've just released a revision draft, I suggest people look that over. My guess is that the security considerations and the choices made here will require at least some additional review.

Please draft-lear-ietf-syslog-rfc3195bis-00.txt.

And that leads to my other question. Why are we implementing a separate TLS protocol when 3195 and its successor both exists and has been implemented? That seems to me rather redundant, and violates a tenant that we really should observe more: don't reinvent the wheel.



transport-tls should be designed to enable policy decisions. This group is not able to make policy decisions. Some of this discussion is really policy making. Policy discussions within syslog should be oriented towards ensuring that any reasonable policy can be properly supported.

For example, in my real world situations, the primary policy concern is disclosure of audit information to unauthorized recipients. This means that the encryption aspect is most important, not the authentications. I can deal with a degree of uncertainty about the source and destination authentications.

If you look inside what authentication really means to us you find several kinds of authentication to manage:
- Is the source machine authenticated and authorized to be on the network?
- Is the source machine/process authenticated and authorized to be a source of audit information?
- The symetric questions for the destination machine.

My destination accepts all connections and has different processing policies for incoming syslog information for the categories:
- unauthenticated machine source
- authenticated machine source, unauthenticated process
- authenticated machine source and process

The differences are a degree of confidence about various source characteristics. No authentication ensures complete confidence, because it is possible that both the source machine and process have been penetrated by a hostile attacker.

The chain of trust to the various root certificate authorities is not important. Suppose I get a good certificate signed by the ABA. What does that mean? Does the ABA know what machines are authorized to be on my network? no. It means that someone with good credentials paid the ABA money to get a certificate for that identity. I will treat is as an unauthenticated machine.

Suppose I get a certificate with a chain of signatures, the last of which is my local hospital administration. All those earlier signatures mean as little as the ABA signature. But that signature from the local hospital administration means something. Now I will consider this machine to be an authenticated machine source. (Process might still be unclear.) I don't need the rest of the chain. A self-signed hospital administration CA is good enough. This can save money and bother.

The source side rule gets even stricter. A hospital administration CA signature is not enough. They sign all the internal machine certificates. I need the cert contents to be right. Or, (more commonly) I demand that the destination certificate match the single public cert that I provide to authenticated source processes for logging. This cert is self-signed by the syslog destination machine. The authorized internal machines and processes use this to ensure that they have connected to the right destination.

Now I have all three different categories that derive from my policies. The chain of trust back to root CAs was not used much. What I really need is just the portion to the CA for the hospital. It might happen to be traceable to a root CA, but that doesn't matter in this situation. I can even live without it on a small network, by inverting the relationship and copying the self-signed public certs of the authorized source systems over to the destination server. This doesn't scale well, but for small networks it can be easier than setting up the local CA.

R Horn


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