Buck wrote:

> I'd have to go with:
> 4x1
> 1 - Bob Hayes
> 2 - Maurice Greene
> 3 - Donovan Bailey
> 4 - Carl Lewis
> I just don't see how you could leave Lewis out of this.  He was my first
> pick by a long, long way.  About the only question I had was who to run on
> the curves.  If it weren't that Bailey proved he could run a great curve
> (ask MJ...) I would sub Ato or Frankie for the third spot.  Perhaps start
> Maurice and put Hayes on the back stretch, but I don't know that Mo' is
> best starter in the world.  He certainly can run a good corner, though so
> maybe put hime third and Bailey 1st.  Linford Christie and Leroy Burrell
> certainly have some claim to a dream team as well (and I'm surely showing
> age biases).

I like your team on the clock .. The have great open 100 ability .. But you
have a team of all anchor men ... Who's gonna run the turns ?? And who's
gonna pass the baton ?? You have listed there possibly the four best anchor
men in history .. But relay running is about 4 very distincly different legs
.. # of them involving passing the baton .. 2 having to pass AND receive ..
2 having to run outstanding on the turn AND pass the baton .. I've seen many
high speed teams get eaten up by "slower" squads because of those issues ..
And as far as Carl being left off, I don't see him as the bst anchor out
there .. Yes he anchored several WR times .. But he also had the privalege
of following some great squads and never had to worry about running from
behind .. Two of those guys (Brown and Smith ) I put on my team .. I say my
team runs off from both your squads ...

> How about the team above against:
> 1 - Leroy Burrell
> 2 - Ato Bolden
> 3 - Frankie Fredricks
> 4 - Ato Bolden
> Whooowhee...!
> For 4 x 4,
> 1 - Butch Reynolds
> 2 - Quincy Watts
> 3 - Steve Lewis
> 4 - Michael Johnson
> That seems much easier to grok than the 4x1.  I like Reynolds over
> but I might take Everett over Lewis...

HOw can you take REynolds over Everett .. EVerett was always consistent on
the first leg and is the only person to ever run sub 44 on the first leg ..
REynolds used to have difficulty running sub 44 on anchor legs .. A typical
Reynolds leg was 43.9 ..

> Race that team against:
> 1 - Danny Everett (what the hey, he's got the LR, 'leg record')
> 2 - Roger Black (in a relay, this guy could hang with anybody)
> 3 - Alberto Juantorena (If he had the lead, nobody could get around him)
> 4 - Lee Evans
> As much as I enjoyed coming up with the second team, I'd bet every nickle
> have on the first team against the second, or for that matter any other
> anybody thinks up.

Hmm .. I liked Roger Black but he had trouble getting under 44 .. If I were
going to pick a Brit it would be John Regis who was much more consistent at
running sub 44's .. And while Juantorena was tough it  was during a down
time for teh eventn .. The guys we're talking about have speed !!! A team
running 43.5's would be struggling to keep close to the squad I named ..

Conway Hill

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