--- Ed and Dana Parrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My analogy was that an athlete should have the same relationship to his
> school in terms of setting a record as a school should have to the
> league.

Why?  School affiliation is very well defined in most cases, whereas
league affiliate tends to be rather weak.  Schools often switch leagues,
are not part of any league, or are affiliated with multiple leagues.

> Anything the athlete does before or after joining a school will not be
> considered for that school's record


> just as anything a school does before or after joining a
> league should be considered for that league's record.

That's where the analogy breaks down, in my mind.  The league definition
is too vague for it to be that simple of a justification.

--- Ed and Dana Parrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Excellent point by Marty Post.  It all depends on whether you interpret
> germany as "merging", or as one country joining the other.  If two
> leagues were to merge, I'd see no reason not to keep the best record of
> the two, which is exactly what Germany did.  But it certainly does point
> out that the situation is slightly less clear than I had first thought.
Given that example, if leagues can merge and take on the best of the
previous leagues' records, how is that any more meaningful than taking on
the record of a school new to the league or from schools in the league
that were set before the league was formed?  What if when the leagues
merged, new schools were added or some left for another league?  Do they
discount old records from the new schools or wipe out those of everyone
because the schools leaving changed the playing field?


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