----- Original Message ----- 
From: "malmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:15 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Mistreatment of Fans at Olympic Trials

> Sorry pal, you are "me-generation jerk." You do not speak for anyone
> for yourself. The rest of us know better than to force our wants on you.
> If you don't like seeing results don't connect to media - especially the
> internet. No matter how loud you cry about it, you will not get your way.
> From Drew Eckmann, who forgot how to join the list:
> Before they riot and kill people, are all of the English football/soccer
> fans sitting down for the matches? Are those behind them apt to complain.
> There's something called 'go with the flow' which is more often than not
> quite easy to recognize. If something exciting is happening or is about to
> happen(Four together at the bell lap)it is totally appropriate to stand
> cheer. If you're sitting behind, get up. I don't know anyone who goes to
> kind of sporting event (tennis, maybe)who expects to sit for the entire
> proceeding. Are fans at the World Cup soccer final threatened with arrest
> they stand after the equaliser? How about a heavyweight title fight when
> champ is in trouble in the 6th round? Michael Johnson runs 43.18, stay in
> your seat, right? If you were watching the U.S. Super Bowl and your team
> scored the go-ahead points late in the game would you expect those in
> of you to stay seated? Don't think so. Why should track be different?
> said sit down, I stood up" -Bruce Springsteen
> >>

Let's keep these people out of Philadelphia in late April. They'd definitely
hate the 'woo factor'.

Steve S.

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