Am 29.10.2012 um 14:27 schrieb Tobias Knerr <>:

> It is currently not valid - vehicle types can only appear in the key,
> whereas "groups of users" (forestry, customers, delivery, ...) can only
> appear in the value. For the "groups of users", it actually gives
> exclusive access rights to that group.

That's how I understand it. Thanks for the confirmation.

> I can imagine changing this if we find a nice definition. Of course
> applications would not be compatible with that at first, but mappers
> could simply refrain from using it excessively and limit the use to
> lanes and similar cases where compatibility doesn't matter as much.

I'm afraid that we wouldn't get app-support for this. On the other hand if 
mappers are forced to use a lot of tags simply to specify what kind of vehicles 
are allowed for each lane, I believe most mappers will just forget about it. 
It's not worth the hassle especially as in the beginning no apps would support 
it. And as no-one maps it then why should apps support it? That's one of the 
drawbacks of the consumer-centered view: create theoretically perfect tagging 
schemes that are wonderfully easy to process - and so hard to map that there's 
no need to implement the processing because no one is using the scheme.

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