2013/7/24 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>

> An object is the physical thing.  It's unique.
> An attribute is the different forms, usage etc... of the object.  It can
> be multiple.

I don't think we should be so inflexible with the "object vs attribute". It
depends on the context.

If you are a data consumer, and are making a list of all addresses in a
town, then the addr:housenumber + addr:street is your object, and
building=yes is your attribute that says "there is a building at this
address". If you are making a list of all buildings, then it's the other
way around. If you are making a list of restaurants, then the
amenity=restaurant is your object, with attributes building and address.

You could consider "this address is in a building" an attribute, and that
can be the same as tagging the address on the building way. Or an attribute
"this building has an address node in it". Then if a building has only one
address node in it, it can be considered that the building has that
address. But I am getting off topic.

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