a few months ago I laid out the case for landuse=civic It's literal definition 
is a little restrictive, but basically all government admin and services. from 
a brance office of the city hall to the UN building. local to supranational. 

There was so much back and forth over it - do we need a voting page now?

> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2014-10-03 20:02:
> > what about not-for-profit companies? NGOs etc.
> landuse=organi[z|s]ational ? [oxford allows the 'z'-spelling for BrE, but 's' 
> as well]

Usually the government services are monopolistic - courts, police, elected 
officials (there's only 1 mayor) tax offices, DMV, etc, whereas NGO s and 
non-profits are a business model to support some activity. thehospital could be 
run by a church, an NGO, or by the city, but it's still a hospital. A clinic. a 
pet hospital. maybe we need an amenity=homeless shelter? I dunno. 

On Oct 4, 2014, at 3:31 AM, Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org> wrote:

> Dan S wrote on 2014-10-03 19:21:
>>> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2014-10-03 15:32:
>>>> I see the introduction of a new, more specific key positive, e.g.
>>>> landuse=public_administration
>>> +1
>> I would have suggested landuse=civic. Looking at taginfo, I don't see
>> it in use, though there is a small number of landuse=civil already.
>> (Plus other stuff of course.......)
> Civic makes sense as well, however would that not limit the type of offices to
> municipal only, and exclude country government? My built-in Oxford defines:
> civic: "of or relating to a city or town, esp. its administration; municipal"
>       "of or relating to the duties or activities of people in relation
>        to their town, city, or local area"
> municipal: "of or relating to a city or town or its governing body"
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2014-10-03 20:02:
> > what about not-for-profit companies? NGOs etc.
> landuse=organi[z|s]ational ? [oxford allows the 'z'-spelling for BrE, but 's' 
> as well]
> could subsume greenpeaces, red crosses, civil defence, doctors without 
> borders,
> political parties, and maybe even the disputed religious organisations, what 
> else?
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