On 28/01/2015 10:57 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

if you want the "liquid" information, use
IMHO for pipelines it would be more interesting to tag the pressure and the inner diameter of the tube.

Agreed in part.

If 'we' tag what we see at the site .. then the pipe line it self is first then the outside diameter of the pipe is next.

The difference between inside and outside diameters in most cases (except of small pipes .. and they are not something 'we' would be mapping at the moment?) would be small, and probably much less than the mappers error in estimating the pipe's diameter (outer)? Very minor point. To cover any case .. just use diameter? And let the mapper use what ever they think is easiest/best?

Does what is inside the pipe need to be tagged? Yes .. because that is the reason for the existence of the pipe. And tells us a lot about where it comes from and goes too. Ok?

Pressure and temperature and substance would give the state (if mostly only one substance is present) so maybe the state does not need to be tagged?

Water .. why is this such a problem? Because it has so many uses, is so common? And 'we' assume so much about it? So 'we' have to deal with it... I too like 'grey water' .. but its meaning is too specific. I like some descritor that covers water that is not drinking water and not sewerage... that would include grey water, storm and water used for air-conditioning? Or am I trying to be too general? Maybe;

potable water
grey water - includes storm water
industrial water (as used for heating, cooling, washing things etc) [hate that 'etc'!]

4 categories? I'd like to reduce that to 3 .. but does not look like it is going to happen. Ideas?

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