On 30/01/2015 5:07 AM, Rainer Fügenstein wrote:
I'd like to repeat once again that "substance" doesn't seem to be a nice
key descriptor for values like ...
during the draft stage, I (we) couldn't come up with an expression that
covered everything that might one day be transported in a pipeline.

content ... too static
medium ... too spooky
product ... is sewage a product?
type ... too generic and already in use

and what exactly is a neutron beam?


a native english speaker may come up with a proper expression, but I'd
better not change this key once again.

Why not, if it is better? After all the values are being considered for re-organisation? I don't understand the reluctance particularly with the present low usage of some 400 items?

I too am not comfortable with 'substance' ... transports, carries, transmits, bears are possibilities... but I'm still thinking about it. I think 'bears' is best at the moment as that fits the 'substance=cables' which the others are not so well suited.

Oh.. 'multiphase' is a mixture of gas, fuel and water as it comes out
of some well heads
if this is the proper term used for pipelines, then this would be the
right one,
yes, "multiphase" is a term used in the oil&gas industry for exactly this,
uhm, substance.



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