On Mon Jun 8 15:48:01 2015 GMT+0100, Andreas Goss wrote:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driver_and_Vehicle_Licensing_Agency
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Motor_Vehicles
> amenity=driver_vehicle_licensing_agency
> Seems a bit long and while it's the name of the agency in the UK it also 
> describes what it does very well. Maybe without acency? Using + isn't a 
> good idea, right?
> amenity=driver_vehicle_licensing
> Or is there a more general term so we could subtag this in case some 
> countries don't combine it.
Sounds reasonable, there are local offices in the UK, or at least in GB.

Or amenity=licensing, driver=yes, vehicle=yes.
This could then expand for other things requiring a license, shotgun=yes?

Phil (trigpoint )
Sent from my Jolla
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