> Am 08.06.2015 um 16:48 schrieb Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de>:
> Seems a bit long and while it's the name of the agency in the UK it also 
> describes what it does very well. Maybe without acency? Using + isn't a good 
> idea, right?
> amenity=driver_vehicle_licensing
> Or is there a more general term so we could subtag this in case some 
> countries don't combine it.

I believe we have a huge gap at tags for government agencies. We could start 
drafting a system with subtags, eg
a tag that says a place is a government agency, a subtag for the administration 
level (eg municipal, regional, national, could maybe be the same as 
admin_level?), more subtags for the stuff you can do there (eg register your 
place of residence, or the birth of a child, request a passport, register a 
car, ...) AND/OR the class of agency (eg foreign affairs, tax agency, commerce 
chamber, ...)

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