I believe we have a huge gap at tags for government agencies. We could start 
drafting a system with subtags, eg
a tag that says a place is a government agency, a subtag for the administration 
level (eg municipal, regional, national, could maybe be the same as 
admin_level?), more subtags for the stuff you can do there (eg register your 
place of residence, or the birth of a child, request a passport, register a 
car, ...) AND/OR the class of agency (eg foreign affairs, tax agency, commerce 
chamber, ...)

While I agree that there is a gap, I'm also not really sure where to start and what we are actually missing. I have been looking a bit at the categories of other services and that's where DMV caught my eyes.

And in Germany for example pretty much all you listed apart from car registration is done in the townhall.

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