What I don't get is why everyone is on this office=government and government=* tag, when even in your proposal most of the stuff that would fall under civic_admin is currently just tagged as amenity.

I mean I would not have an issue with a government= tag, but then we would have to be consistent and long term stuff like amenity=townhall should be government=townhall.

And the biggest issue as already mentioned a bit further down in the discussion is that there often is no clear line you can draw. In some countries a service is run by the government, in others it's not and sometimes that's even the case within a country.

On 6/9/15 08:48 , johnw wrote:
On Jun 9, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:

There's a whole set of assumptions about each type of goverment office that 
would be impossible to
consistently capture with generic tags.  Here the "Duck" of duck typing says 
call it by whatever it is known locally.

I think there is still an umbrella it can fit under, saying it is related to 
cars and licensing.

A place that registers your car and a place that licenses you for driving may 
be a different facility (or combo), but the government office(s) that handles 
that can at least have some kind of tag to get put in some kind of group.


or civic_admin=motor_vehicle

We don’t assume the government is selling cars or car parts, and administration 
isn’t related to enforcement (tickets/impound), sales, nor maintenance, so it 
isn’t so ambiguous.

and the name will tell the locals the rest. (Liscence Center, Automobile 
Registration center, Dept of Motor Vehecles, etc)

Unless we want to get into the same subcategory system that shop=* should have, 
and we start documenting specific government facilities (which I wanted to do 
with civic_admin and landuse=civic).


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