On 09/10/17 21:36, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
The wiki says (undisputed and since version1 in 1/2008): "A runway is a strip of land on an airport, on which aircraft can take off and land.". Under this definition, you could at most map those airstrips as runways that are _on an airport_ (if these exist). Note that it says "airport", not "aerodrome".

I think you'll find "undisputed" means "unchecked".

https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:aeroway says aeroway=runway is a "runway of an airfield" and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Aeroways says aeroway=runway is "The area of an aerodrome used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft".

If I can only map the runways of an airport but not those at an aerodrome then how am I supposed to tell them apart? Whereabouts on the wiki is the definition of what an airport is?

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