On 7/22/2018 7:57 PM, Paul Allen wrote:
You've (perhaps inadvertently) highlighted the problem.  A detached building looks like a house, so is tagged as building=detached.  A property in a terrace (row house in Merkin) doesn't look like a house, so is tagged as

That's about the size of it. People will most likely continue tagging freestanding houses as "house" because, hey, it's a house. Luckily, it's not incorrect. I can imagine a theoretical mapper wanting to retag them as "detached" instead, and I'd tell that mapper: "Nah. Let those houses be. They're fine."

Oh, and then there are bungalows and cottages, which count as houses in OSM, so are tagged as

Nb, the wiki does offer building=bungalow, and there are nearly 50k of them out there. I'd consider bungalow a special subset of detached (which is a special subset of house, etc.)

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