On 27/07/18 18:06, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 26. Jul 2018, at 22:48, Mike H <1jg...@gmail.com <mailto:1jg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I went and updated the wiki a little bit. I added details to the building=house <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dhouse> and

you kept the „single dwelling“ paragraph. I’ve got no feedback on my previous mail about houses in villages (with several units (1-3) and independent entrances). They can be quite old (basements in one village I‘m going to frequently have been carved into the tuff stone and predate ancient roman times, the upper floors are usually a few hundred years old in this village, but others can also be more recent). They are residential buildings with usually 1 apartments per floor and 2-3 floors. (pictures see in the other mail)
Are these “houses” or not?

For me a "house" is a single family dwelling.. or at least intended for a single family.

If it is intended for more than one family (and the independent entrances give that feeling) then I'd not use "house" .. apartments perhaps?
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