On 2018-08-09 08:45, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> sent from a phone
>> On 9. Aug 2018, at 07:17, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The name field is just a label. If you want to know the exact name in
>> a certain language you look at the name:xx field.
> the question is about the "name in the local language".

Is it not about the "name as signed in situ"? (Cf. "on-the-ground trumps
everything else" rule) 

In the case of Brussels, are all signs "fr - nl" or are some "nl - fr" ?

Also many bilingual street signs in Belgium exploit grammatical
differences between French and Dutch; where the significant part is a
proper name (X), in French it might be "Rue X", in Dutch it is
"Xstraat", so the sign says Rue X-straat. 

Random example: 

So it looks like the text on the signs cannot be recreated from name:fr
and name:nl alone.
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