I think my problem in particular is determining when it is navigable
or not. It's like the difference between seasonal=* (predictable) and
intermittent=* (unpredictable), my case is the intermittent one.

The local authority does not publish depth information about the
rivers, but publishes vessel draft. Historic depth data from river
monitoring stations show that some are navigable most of the time, but
can become shallow any month of the year, depending on the amount of
rainfall. Over the last 10 years, records of one river reveal depths
varying from ~0.5m to ~10m, and both minimum and maximum are reached
every month (but the pattern changes year-to-year due to irregular

In contrast, the rivers that are continuously navigable, mostly
shipping routes, are actively maintained by authorities to ensure the
published draft applies at all times.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 4:35 PM Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Fernando Trebien wrote:
> > motorboat:conditional only works if the periods where the river
> > is navigable are predictable, and that usually depends on the
> > variable amount of rain on the basin.
> motorboat= is an access tag, so it represents whether a use class is
> permitted on that way, not whether it's possible.
> I'd think a variant on depth= would be most appropriate. Something like
> depth:summer=0.5-3.0 might indicate that the river depth in summer can
> typically vary between 0.5m (i.e. only a canoe at a pinch) and 3m. Defining
> "typically" is left as an exercise to the reader. :)
> Richard
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