On Fri, 10 May 2019 at 19:27, Nick Bolten <nbol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This all makes sense, but the question is: what does
> crossing=traffic_lights mean given these contexts? There are at least 3
> types of lights and I've seen all of them referred to as "traffic lights",
> even on UK government websites:
> - Pedestrian signals, i.e. "walk/do not walk" lights of any kind meant to
> indicate that pedestrians should cross.

In any sane world, lights to control pedestrians also function as lights to
control traffic.  I can't
see any sensible use case for lights that tell pedestrians they can cross
that do not also
control traffic.  In the UK these usually (always) look identical to
"ordinary" traffic lights with
the operational exception of a protracted flashing amber to let pedestrians
finish crossing.
>From a motorist's perspective they are indistinguishable (at first glance)
from "ordinary"
traffic lights.

- The traffic lights for street traffic that are specifically associated
> with a pedestrian crossing, as in the pelican example - the traffic light
> pole also has all of these things: a pedestrian signal, a light for street
> traffic (stop/go/etc), and there is generally an APS to request a crossing
> signal.

This, rather than your first case, is all I've ever seen in the UK.

- The traffic lights for street traffic that are not explicitly associated
> with a particular crossing. The crossing is still protected by those
> lights, there might even be an APS, but the traffic light is located at
> highway=traffic_signals, i.e. the center of a street intersection.

If they ARE intended as a crossing then, in the UK, they'll be a pelican
again, even if they're also
controlling an intersection.  Not to be confused with ordinary traffic
lights at an intersection which
may not be intended for use as a crossing but tend to be used that way
(because the traffic in
one direction has been stopped, making crossing perhaps a little less

As far as I can tell (at least in the UK) it boils down to either traffic
lights that have nothing to do
with pedestrians or traffic lights that also control pedestrians.

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