> 1. Combined foot/cycle crossing - a side path from a combined
> foot/cycleway onto a very lightly trafficked suburban street. Marked
> with signs bearing the silhouette of a bicycle about 50 m in advance
> of the crossing. No markings on the pavement. (This crossing is part
> of my daily commute. The street that it crosses is quite busy, and
> the sign with the bicycle silhouette has no apparent effect on the
> drivers. Pedestrians divide into the quick and the dead.)

On the intersection node between footway and road way:

You may tag the traffic_sign (here and in other cases) separately, how to do 
that is topic all it's own.

> 2. Combined foot/cycle crossing - a combined foot/cycleway crossing
> a busy two-lane street at grade. Signage both ~50 m in advance and
> at the crossing. Flashing yellow lights (meaning 'proceed with
> caution') flank the sign at the crossing. The lights can by turned
> on by a pedestrian or cyclist pushing a button. Zebra-stripe
> pavement markings.

On the intersection node between footway and road way:
crossing=uncontrolled (or crossing=zebra)

You may tag the traffic_sign separately

> 3. Zebra-stripe pavement markings at an intersection controlled by a
> 4-way STOP sign.

On the intersection node between footway and roadway:
crossing=uncontrolled (or crossing=zebra)

On a separate node on the road way placed at the stop line:
highway=stop (This tag is a big ugly like that, because it depends on consumers 
figuring out in what direction it applies based on proximity to the 
intersection, but again, that's a topic all it's own.)

(And additionally, given that this is specifically an all way stop, on the 
intersection node of the two road ways:

> 4. Zebra-stripe pavement markings at an intersection controlled by a
> traffic light, with no 'WAIT/WALK' pedestrian signals.

On the intersection node between footway and road way:
crossing=uncontrolled (or crossing=zebra)

Either on the intersection node of the two road ways, or if dual carriage, on 
separate nodes on the road ways placed at the stop line (coming into the 

> 5. Zebra-stripe pavement markings at an intersection controlled by a
> traffic light, with 'WAIT/WALK' pedestrian signals, and a countdown
> timer giving the seconds remaining to cross.

On the intersection node between footway and road way:

Either on the intersection node of the two road ways, or if dual carriage, on 
separate nodes on the road ways placed at the stop line (coming into the 

> 6. The same, with the pedestrian or cyclist requesting the WALK
> signal by pressing a button.

On the intersection node between footway and road way:

If the pedestrians HAVE to push the button to get a WALK (not just "can push, 
which may make it faster or just be a placebo [more common than you think]"), 

Either on the intersection node of the two road ways, or if dual carriage, or 
if dual carriage, on separate nodes on the road ways placed at the stop line 
(coming into the junction):

> 7. Zebra-stripe pavement markings, together with a sign displaying
> the silhouette of school children, in the middle of a block in front
> of a school. This crossing may be supervised during school
> arrival/departure times.

on the intersection node between footway and roadway:
crossing=uncontrolled (or crossing=zebra)

supervised=(valid time expression)

> 8. Zebra-stripe pedestrian markings delineating the preferred
> footpath in a parking field, and running generally perpendicular to
> the parking aisles.

If there is no intersecting node between this way and a road way, then this is 
not a crossing, it's just a footway that happens to be marked using zebra 
stripe pattern.

If there IS an actual intersection between this way and a roadway, then the 
same as any other such crossing, on the intersection node between footway and 
road way:
crossing=uncontrolled (or crossing=zebra)

> And I'm now in confusion about how to tag any of them.

For all of these, if you want to go down into micromapping territory, in 
addition to the above:
2 nodes on the footway, where the footway crosses the kerb on either side of 
the street with:
kerb=lowered (if it is, other values otherwise obviously)
(if the kerb itself is mapped as a way, then these two nodes are the 
intersection nodes between the footway and the kerb way)

and the part of the footway between the two kerb nodes (with the 
highway=crossing node being between them along this way), split at the kerb 
nodes and tagged as:
crossing=(whatever it is)

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