* Dave F via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> [190913 21:37]:
> On 13/09/2019 16:14, Wolfgang Zenker wrote:
>> That would be kind of redundant, wouldn't it? We already use other tags
>> for the current function of a building,

> I'm repeating much of my of my previous comment, but no, the schema 
> which hijacked building=* to represent the original historical function 
> of a building never took off*. The vast majority of contributors use it 
> for it's current purpose. OSM isn't for the mapping of redundant 
> historical information.

Well, I don't know of any hijacking. This thread is the first time I
have seen people suggesting to tag the current function only in the
building=* tag. But admittedly I'm only active in OSM since 2008, so
that might have happened before that or I might have overlooked it.

>> so building=* is mostly useful
>> when the uilding does look like it was built for some other function
>> than it's current one.

> How do you know what it was originally used for just from your 
> interpretation of what a building of a certain function should look 
> like? It's just guesswork. How does tagging this perception add to, or 
> improve the quality of the OSM database?

I don't care about the buildings original function but about what it
looks like. That might or might not match its original and/or current
function. And if it looks like a run-of-the-mill nothing-special any-
purpose-at-all type of building I tag it as building=yes.

> "OpenStreetMap is a place for mapping things that are both /real and 
> current/"

I agree. I recently mapped https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/722948688
"Howard School" in rural Montana. It is a historic building originally
built as a public school, looks like a fine specimen of a schoolhouse of
it's era, has a prominent sign saying "Howard School" on the front side
and so I tagged it "building=school" even when it has not been used as a
school since 1947 but is used since for community gatherings. So I also
mapped it's current function by adding amenity=community_centre.

Of course different mappers have different opinions about what would be
the best way to tag something, but I don't see this as a weakness but a
strength of OSM. By discussing what we individually think is best and
learning from each other we collectively will arrive at better tagging
by all over time.

( lyx @ osm )

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