Yes, we call them "mile markers" in my part of Oregon/Northern
California too, like "the wildfire started on the north side of
Highway 96 at mile marker 23" - but houses and other structures have
addresses with house numbers.

On 10/2/19, Dave Swarthout <> wrote:
> The "milestone" value is a misnomer in most modern situations. Here in
> Thailand, many roads have actual mile markers, er kilometer markers, but
> they are not made of stone. They are painted concrete. In the U.S. there
> are very few of these if any. When I'm tagging mile markers in the U.S., I
> include a tag description=Metal flag
> One of the things I love to map in Thailand are km=0 milestones which
> denote the beginning of a numbered route. To date, I've added approximately
> 270 of these special milestones.
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 12:43 AM Aaron Young <> wrote:
>> What I'm unclear on is if these addresses refer to an actual road
>> marker, or an actual distance based upon interpolation between
>> actual road markers.  If you have a road marker at 8km and another
>> road marker at 9km, would a house between the two have addr:milestone
>> 8, 9 or 8.5?  If the address is of an actual road marker then
>> addr:milestone
>> would be appropriate (given that we already misuse highway=milestone
>> to mean kilometre markers); if it's a distance that doesn't correspond to
>> an actual road marker then we need a better name.
>> I would expect the address:milestone=8.5 would be used.  This is
>> something
>> that can be determined by software and is not always written on signage
>> but
>> widely used.
>> There are also usages within the US for emergency response purposes.
>> Highway call boxes often use mile marker or milestone reference to
>> determine location of incident.  US highways have milemarker signage
>> every
>> mile to assist with this purpose.  Utilizing it in address finding
>> throughout the world is a needed tag in my opinion.
>> Aaron
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>> Tagging mailing list
> --
> Dave Swarthout
> Homer, Alaska
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
> Travel Blog at

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