On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 12:31 PM Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The Hudson definitely reverses flow. One of its names among the First
> Peoples translates to 'the river flows both ways.'  The division in the
> flow lies less in the fraction of the tidal cycle than the speed of the
> current. It flows 'upstream' for half the time, 'downstream' for half, but
> the downstream current is considerably swifter.

As long as the current is significantly faster in the downstream direction,
this qualifies by the standard that "the river current is clearly the
dominating current in the water" - that is, oceanic currents and
wind-driven currents are not the definition characteristic

In contrast, the East River, which is a tidal strait, would need to be
mapped on the marine side of the coastline, since the current flows through
the East River are not related to a fresh-water river current at all.

By using the dominant currents as a definition, this allows local mappers
with knowledge of the water to determine the right tagging.

-- Joseph Eisenberg
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