I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding here.

This is not about taxi stands or anything similar, but about access for Lyfts, Ubers, Grabs employees to streets and infrastructure that they would not be able to utilize if they were driving for themselves (including actual ride sharing :-)). Example pick up and drop off access at airports and similar, this might include access to taxi dedicated infrastructure too. This is quite legit and no beef with the companies wanting to be able to model this to improve routing for their drivers and customers.


Am 31.10.2020 um 15:23 schrieb Brian M. Sperlongano:
In the United States at least, there is a very real difference in meaning between "rideshare" and "taxi" services when it comes *specifically* to access at airports.  And I believe that is the intent of this proposal: how do I tag the special area in the airport where I must go in order to be picked up by XYZ rideshare company?

At an airport, if you wish to take a taxi, you walk up to a taxi stand (amenity=taxi), where the taxi cabs line up, and you take the first taxi cab in line.  This is an explicit area where only taxis queue up.

Alternately, if you wish to take a "ride share", you are using an app to make an arrangement with a specific vehicle and driver to be picked up at a specific location.  In this case, airports often (at this point, probably "usually") have a specified location where such ride shares are allowed to pick up and/or drop off passengers.

In some cases, the ride share pickup/drop-off locations have specific areas that are different for different ride share providers.  For example, at my local airport, due to disagreements about how much these companies should pay the airport for curb access (really), there is one location where you can pick up a Lyft, and a separate location 100 meters away off the airport property where you can pick up an Uber!

The point here is that in the US there is a very real distinction between these two classes of objects, and the information someone traveling through the airport looking for ground transportation would want to know is: 1. Is it a ride share (pre-arranged pickup) or taxi stand (on-demand pickup)
2. Is it limited to only specific ride share companies?
3. Is it pickup only, dropoff only, or both?

On Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 6:36 AM Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch <mailto:si...@poole.ch>> wrote:

    For starters I would oppose using the term "rideshare" for what is
    a taxi/chauffeur service. It should be noted that there are actual
    rideshare organisations and services out there, but uber, grab,
    lyft etc. are not among them, they are simply trying to co-opt a
    term with positive associations for their operations.

    Further, real rideshare services don't get special access
    treatment anywhere I know of, outside of vehicle occupancy
    regulations, which isn't surprising as real ride sharing simply
    involves sharing costs and car on a trip that the driver was going
    to make anyway.

    If there are actual legal differences between taxi and chauffeur
    access somewhere, we could use chauffeur or chauffeur-driven as an
    access tag (better suggestions welcome).



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