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> On 11 Oct 2022, at 17:32, martianfreeloader <> 
> wrote:
> Nobody commented during RFC and then everybody voted against; which is not 
> nice. I was one of them.

particularly because the no vote didn’t offer any meaningful contribution, the 
only reason given was a formality (because the “historic” key is not formally 

> I'm happy to hand over the historic proposal to maintained by someone else! 
> Anyone interested?

we do not need the historic key to be “approved”, it is already there, any 
definition we put in the wiki should reflect how the tags are actually used. 
Approving a definition that would make current tagging an “error” if it is 
completely introduced with many established and undisputed values, is just 
wasting everybody’s time, even more if the result would lead to “deprecation” 
of these established tags

Cheers Martin 
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