>> Hans Bergsten wrote:
> I'm not sure where you're going with these questions. If you're asking
> if the majority would be better off not learning JSTL at all, I say
> you're wrong; JSTL is a far better alternative than scriptlets for
> the iterations and conditional processing you will always have in
> JSP pages, no matter if you use a servlet or not.

Right, those are besides the point I'm after. Hence the XML, URL, SQL 
tags :) I completely agree the JSTL iteration and conditional tags are 
great. The trouble is if the tags in question should be encouraged for 
use same as the core ones. All JSP developers should know and use the 
JSTL core tags, but should developers developing complex apps use the 
XML and SQL tags? or should they be discouraged in favor of learning the 
Java equivalent I.E. a Model 2/MVC concepts - you answered this question 
later on in the e-mail, thanks.

> But I believe you're asking if the majority of JSP users would be better
> off ignoring just the SQL and XML actions, and learn how to use Java for
> these tasks instead. Again, I don't think you can say that that's true
> for all cases; some people simply don't want to learn Java, and their
> apps are simple enough to work fine with just JSP. In other case, doing
> the complete servlet/JSP/beans thing may simply be overkill; why spend
> a lot of time on design and implementation for a two- or three-page
> application when I can develop it faster with just JSP?

Yes, you are guessing right. There is no good reason for small apps. I 
think I get your point well that trying to classify apps is not 
something you recommend or practice. It really depends on a case by case 
basis. What is important is the XML and SQL tags insert functionality 
previously not readily available - does that sound right?

>> Great, more of what I'm after. Could you clarify a little on what you 
>> would consider 'simple sites', or does the quick comment you gave two 
>> e-mails ago sum it up completely?
> I don't remember ;-) Don't take this too seriously, but an application
> with less than 20 pages and a database with say less than 10 tables
> would typically qualify as "simple" in my book, as long as there's
> basically no business logic other than input validation and reading
> and writing database data.

Thanks, I'm not taking notes ;) Just looking for a rough idea for 

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