Paul DuBois wrote:
> Why make that assumption?  One of JSTL's strongest points (my opinion) is
> that it makes it easy to start writing JSP applications *without* having
> to know any Java.  At the very least, JSTL certainly minimizes the amount
> of Java you have to know.

The assumption would be if you were giving direction to a new developer 
who wanted to build potentially complex web applications. The JSTL 
works, but does it hurt to explain using the JSTL tags before 
introducing MVC concepts?

> If JSP helps you get Java out of your pages so you can write web scripts 
> with less Java knowledge, JSTL takes that process even further -- 
> especially in
> the arena of database access, using the SQL tags.  At the risk of making
> you groan, I'd put it like this: JSTL makes it PHP-dead-easy to write web
> scripts.  Sure, if you're going to write complext apps, you'll probably 
> want
> to go the MVC route.  If you're not, MVC is a lot of messing around just
> to achieve ethical purity.

Right, this is almost exactly as I would describe the JSTL tags in 
question. Would you agree it is best to push MVC concepts on to a new 
user who desires to be able to write complex web apps and discourage use 
of custom tags that conflict, like the JSTL XML and SQL tags?

> I suppose one might say that with Java you can do anything.  But one of
> Java's problems is that you have to know a lot before you can do even a
> little.  JSTL makes it possible to do quite a bit, even if you know only
> a little.

That is a good way to put it.


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