At 22:39 -0400 6/11/02, Jayson Falkner wrote:
>Paul DuBois wrote:
>>Why make that assumption?  One of JSTL's strongest points (my opinion) is
>>that it makes it easy to start writing JSP applications *without* having
>>to know any Java.  At the very least, JSTL certainly minimizes the amount
>>of Java you have to know.
>The assumption would be if you were giving direction to a new 
>developer who wanted to build potentially complex web applications. 
>The JSTL works, but does it hurt to explain using the JSTL tags 
>before introducing MVC concepts?

Well, now you're re-framing your question to get the answer you want.  Your
original message asked a much more general question, which was whether anyone
uses JSTL and finds it helpful.

But to answer your question, I would say that if you're advising a new
developer, that it depends on what the new developer already knows.
If the developer already has related background that would facilitate
assimilation of MVC concepts, then it may be best to go to that.  If
the developer doesn't have such background, I would consider something
like JSTL as a helpful tool for developing working code right off the
bat without first having to go study a several-miles-high pile of MVC

You've been asking several questions here, and I'd like to ask some in
return, since I've noticed that other people here other than myself are
beginning to wonder the same thing:  What's your purpose in this discussion?
Where are you going with it?  It *seems* that you've essentially made up
your mind that MVC is terrific and are looking for ammunition against JSTL.
Or are you trying to find where the border is between them in terms of
application complexity that would justify switching from one to the other?

>>If JSP helps you get Java out of your pages so you can write web 
>>scripts with less Java knowledge, JSTL takes that process even 
>>further -- especially in
>>the arena of database access, using the SQL tags.  At the risk of making
>>you groan, I'd put it like this: JSTL makes it PHP-dead-easy to write web
>>scripts.  Sure, if you're going to write complext apps, you'll probably want
>>to go the MVC route.  If you're not, MVC is a lot of messing around just
>>to achieve ethical purity.
>Right, this is almost exactly as I would describe the JSTL tags in 
>question. Would you agree it is best to push MVC concepts on to a 
>new user who desires to be able to write complex web apps and 
>discourage use of custom tags that conflict, like the JSTL XML and 
>SQL tags?

As above, not necessarily.  Because I think JSTL can help the developer
understand more complex concepts.

What do you mean by "use of custom tags that conflict"?  Conflict with
what?  Each other?  MVC concepts?

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