On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 10:09, cleary <o...@97k.com> wrote:

> Some Sydney bus routes have changed and I have modified a few by survey
> (catching buses and recording routes and stops).  Using TfNSW data would be
> much easier.
> 1. Can I use the TfNSW data now to modify/add some local bus routes or do
> we need to await discussion and an agreed import plan?

If you plan to do everything manually I think that's okay for you to go
ahead. If you're planning on doing that on a mass scale (like trying to do
all of them) then a heads up would be appreciated, but otherwise I have no

If you're using TfNSW data and applying some transformation on it to the
OSM schema and plan on using that, then please post first so we can do a
review to make sure there are no issues.

Technically we only have permission to use TfNSW's open data, so if you
need help with the GTFS feed to visualise routes I can try.

I would eventually like to see a semi-automated process to import bus
stops, I just don't have the time now, but I can review plans if someone
else wanted to.

> 2. Depending on the answer to the above, do we need to add TfNSW to the
> List of Conributors in the wiki?  and does the waiver need to published in
> the wiki?

Yes, if the data is used in OpenStreetMap, per the waiver agreement we need
to add attribution at
specifying which dataset we used and providing the attribution.

The waiver is already published to the wiki at
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