On 26/1/22 10:04, Andy Townsend wrote:
On 25/01/2022 22:43, David Wales via Talk-au wrote:
2. Practically invisible on the ground, except for bits of red tape hanging from tree branches every 50-100 metres!

Every 50-100 meters?  Luxury! :)

My recollection is that the signage on the bits of the Bibbulmun Track near Denmark in WA (see https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/#route?id=400098&type=relation&map=13.0/-34.9918/117.3729 ) were much less prominent than that.  I've no idea how typical that is, but something every 100m sounds "quite well signed" to me.

There are those who put up tape so they can reverse their path - this is 'off track'. As they return they remove their tape.

Unfortunately there are those who consider tape to be an eye sore and remove it at every opportunity. There are even those that destroy cairns.

I simply leave things alone... other than falling down occasionally and sometimes snapping a twig off the path.

There are a few 'paths' in Tasmania that resemble animal pads .. until the pad disappears and your on your own until you find the next pad or path.

A GPS is a god send as you get more resolution and accuracy than a compass and map. It can be essential when mist blows in with the roaring 40s.

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