Truthfully, I’ve seen it both ways:  that’s partly why I asked (somewhat, but 
not completely rhetorically) “which (one of the two landuse tags) renders?”  
(Farmland or residential?)

I wasn’t tagging for the renderer, I was tagging according to the wiki, and 
only after many years after that tagging style was documented in our wiki did I 
even start to tag like that (so in fact, as a result, only rarely and 
recently).  Tagging styles do change, that is another point of my post and 
“farmyard as including a farmhouse” has vacillated (been tagged “both ways” 
where it is both done and not done).

The “overarching” idea I want to convey is that with good dialog “amongst 
ourselves” (I sort of duck out the “our” part:  even though were all OSM, I’m 
not from the Southern Hemisphere / around there, but we do share most of a 
language and at least some tagging habits) sensible tagging strategies do 
emerge.  This might be among a country (sorta happens, wiki emerges) among a 
particular group (motorists, hikers, mountain bikers…) or particular 
circumstances (when population levels are above or below a certain threshold, 
when an agreement arises to do a certain kind of routing using a certain method 
of tags…).  The result of “we did a lot of discussion about this” can 
frequently result in “ah, at long last we have rather wide agreement.”  Not 
always, but often enough that the investment in discussion (like this) pays 
dividends in the long run.
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