I map streams on the regular. Given most of what I map is bike + running single-track, streams are helpful as a clue to the local topography. 

But I’ve also made relations for all of our local streams and creeks; go to the Newcastle area and search for Ironbark or Cottage Creek for instance… it used to just return a single hit on one small section for almost every creek. My interest here is because much of the area was uninhabitable swamp until there was a huge effort to put in some monster drains in the 1890s. And yet it will still occasionally flood and people complain about council not doing anyway…

Do note, the DCS map can be quite wrong in places… I’m pretty sure a lot of it was done once and then never updated.

Arguably most streams in Australia are intermittent, I don’t think the definition is totally locked down, but when they are isolated sections of standing water in between rain, that is intermittent in my mind.  

On 26 May 2023, at 8:00 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, 25 May 2023 at 22:26, Tom Brennan <webs...@ozultimate.com> wrote:
I'm looking at adding missing stream data in national parks around Sydney.

However, how much value is there in bringing in all of the stream data
in say the DCS Base Map vs just the named streams?

I can see for example, the value in bringing in named streams. But there
are huge numbers of smaller (unnamed) streams.

It's not a bad idea, as it would let anybody needing water in the bush, know that there's a creek over there, & also let you know that if you go this way, you may get wet feet! :-)

But, do DCS Base & Topo differentiate between permanent & intermittent creeks?



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