On 26/05/2023 1:54 pm, Josh Marshall wrote:
> But I’ve also made relations for all of our local streams and creeks;
> go to the Newcastle area and search for Ironbark or Cottage Creek for
>  instance… it used to just return a single hit on one small section
> for almost every creek. My interest here is because much of the area
> was uninhabitable swamp until there was a huge effort to put in some
> monster drains in the 1890s. And yet it will still occasionally flood
> and people complain about council not doing anyway…

Just asking out of interest - what's the reason for using relations? Or is it specifically for the search that you mentioned?

> Do note, the DCS map can be quite wrong in places… I’m pretty sure a
> lot of it was done once and then never updated.

Yes, I don't like the current DCS stream layer - streams going up and over ridges in some places!

I understand that DCS is in the process of bringing the stream data up to date post the LIDAR scans of all of NSW. But it sounds like it is bogged down in some non-technical issues (ie nothing related to the actual dataset). So no idea when it will be released!

I'd be interested if anyone knows anything definite about the data - my info is hearsay.

Canyoning? try http://ozultimate.com/canyoning
Bushwalking? try http://bushwalkingnsw.com

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