On 26/05/2023 1:54 pm, Josh Marshall wrote:
> But I’ve also made relations for all of our local streams and creeks;
> go to the Newcastle area and search for Ironbark or Cottage Creek for
>  instance… it used to just return a single hit on one small section
> for almost every creek. My interest here is because much of the area
> was uninhabitable swamp until there was a huge effort to put in some
> monster drains in the 1890s. And yet it will still occasionally flood
> and people complain about council not doing anyway…

Just asking out of interest - what's the reason for using relations? Or is it specifically for the search that you mentioned?

“If a waterway is named from its source to its destination, it's strongly suggested that all of its ways be placed in a waterway relation. Doing this allows Nominatim to group the ways together and return exactly one named result per named waterway that exists in OpenStreetMap.”

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