On 26/05/2023 2:10 pm, Kim Oldfield via Talk-au wrote:
> I also find streams useful to indicate the surrounding ground is
> downhill towards them. Being at the bottom of a valley it is also
> fairly obvious when you encounter one in person.
> They are often hard to map from aerial imagery as they may hidden by
> tree cover. This is one reason why many are missing from OSM. Adding
> more of them would be good.

In NSW at least, there are options to map from other than aerial imagery (various DCS sources).

There's also the option to generate them from the DEM, which in my experience is more accurate 95%+ of the time.

But while useful, the question is really whether a full stream import is worthwhile.

Canyoning? try http://ozultimate.com/canyoning
Bushwalking? try http://bushwalkingnsw.com

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