Every user of OpenStreetMap should link to the copyright:

In the copyright, there's a link to the OSM contributors:

If that list contains the opendata project from Antwerp, it's OK. As the
sources are linked quite directly, even if data users filter out the source
tags (which is not forbidden). A source tag can be useful to distinguish
what features come from the project. But it isn't needed.

I do have some problems with the phrase "De gebruiker verbindt zich ertoe
de licentiegever op de hoogte te stellen van ontbrekende of onregelmatige
gegevens die hij in de datasets ontdekt." I wonder if "op de hoogte
stellen" means notifying or publicating here. It's technically almost
impossible to notify them, but of course, we always publicate the data, so
they can check at all times if something has changed.


2012/11/8 Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com>

> On Thursday 08 November 2012 22:05:35 wannes wrote:
> > The city of Antwerp is opening some data it has (boundaries, playgrounds,
> > ...) in order to have some smartphone-apps developed.
> >
> > Can we (and may we!) use some of the datasets?
> >
> > http://opendata.antwerpen.be/datasets
> > http://opendata.antwerpen.be/licentie
> >
> > I'm not good at reading licences, so I'd rather ask here before importing
> > things.
> I guess it will all boil down to:
> "De gebruiker verbindt zich ertoe om bronvermelding te voorzien bij elk
> hergebruik van de dataset, alsmede de vermelding dat de dataset wordt
> hergebruikt met toestemming van de licentiegever."
> and the question whether adding a source=* tag would be sufficient...
> Derivatives of OSM won't ever show this attribution.
> Maybe someone can ask them?
> btw, there's also a similar Belgian project: http://data.gov.be
> Ben
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